Thursday, December 8, 2011


Stevia rebaudiana
Natural sweetener

Recognized uses research-based

Studies of Stevia to the aid of oral diseases such as gingival bleeding was positive in the control and improvement. (Elizondo, sf)The plant is safe for patients with the disease phenylketonuria.
It is a safe plant as sweetener use (Geuns, sf).
The most important ingredients that give the sweet taste of Stevia are substances (glycoside) of stevioside and rebaudioside A. That is 300 times sweeter than sucrose. (Bautista, 2005)
The stevioside and rebaudioside are diterpenoids (terpenes).The pharmacological properties of diterpenes

Analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, ani-inflammatory, antineoplastic, antiprozoal, cardiotonic, cytotoxic, enzyme inhibitor, insecticidal, skin irritant, sweetening agents .(Hoffman, 2003)
Elizondo, J. y Ramirez, J. Efectos del extracto de Stevia rebaudiana bertoni en la enfermedad periodontal. Consultado el 20 de Diciembre, 2010. .
Geuns, J. Stevia y glucósido de Esteviol . Propiedades, técnicas, uso, exposición, toxicología, efectos farmacológicos. Consultado el 20 de Diciembre.
Hoffaman, D. 2003. Medical herbalism. The science and practice of Herbal Medicine.
Bautista, M. Alimentos bajos en energía: Que es lo que debemos saber de ellos. Guanajuato, México. Consultado el 20 de Diciembre 2011.

Green Te (Te verde,Te blanco, Te negro)

Camellia sinensis
Digestive, antiseptic, stimulant, antioxidant, skin problems

Uses scientifically recognized:

Microbial action (Domingo, 2003)Cardiovascular disease, lowers blood pressure, antioxidant, cholesterol lowering, control of body weight. (Hernandez, 2004)

Dosage:  cardiovascular system: Infusions of 7 cup a day
Dosage:  control of body weight: 4 cups daily infusions

Contains caffeine have a stimulating effect on central nervous system (respiratory and cardiovascular), diuretic. The alkaloid theobromine Purina is also present in Camellia sinensis, vasodilator properties, relaxing the bronchial muscles. (Hofman, 2003)This plant is rich in polyphenols which represent over 30% of its dry weight. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) on the main polyphenol. With chemopreventive activity, inhibits tumor invasion. (Melgarejo, 2009)

Domingo, D. 2003. Plantas con acción antimicrobiana. Servicio de microbiología. Hospital Universitario de la Princesa, Madrid.
Hernandez, T. 2004. El te verde una buena elección para le prevención de enfermedades cardiovasculares. Consultado el 20 de Diciembre, 2011.
Hoffaman, D. 2003. Medical herbalism. The science and practice of Herbal Medicine.
Melgarejo, E, 2009. El te como factor quimiopreventivo. Doctora en Biologia. Departamiento de Biologia molecular y Bioquimica. Universidad de Malaga. Consultado el 14 de Enero, 2012.

Lemon balm (Melisa, Toronjil)

Melissa officinalis
Cold sores, insomnia, psoriasis, sedative, anxiety, antiseptic, digestive

Sedative, antiviral, digestive disorders, nervous (Beyrer, sf)
Soothing, anti-anxiety, anxiety, stress, low headache, low fever (Pardo, 2009)Insect bites, colds, antioxidant, antifungal, immunostimulant (Andrea, 2011)

Dosage: 3 infusions per day, about 5 fresh leaves per cup of water plant

Andrea, J. Photochemical characterization, antibacterial and antioxidant activity of extracts of medicinal plants used in Pereira and Santa Rosa de Cabal (Risaralda). Partial requirement to obtain the title of Chemical technology. Retrieved on December 20, 2011.

Pardo, K. 2009. Effect of ethanol extract of Melissa officinalis (Lemon Balm) in modifying the child's behavior in dental anxiety. Retrieved on December 20, 2011.

Beyrer, A. Ethnobotanical studies on medicinal plants in the province of Camaguey (Cuba). Retrieved on December 20, 2010.
Dosage: 1tsp 2-3 times a day diluted in 30 ml of fruit juice

Pelargonium (Geranio de limon)

Pelargonium graveolens
Headache, wounds, used oil in perfumery

Antimicrobial activities (Dorman,2008)

Dosage: Uses external  of the Oil

Another way to use a small portion of leaf lemon drink

Dorman, H,2008. Antimicrobial agents from plants: antibacterial activity of plant volatile oils. Consultado el 21 de diciembre, 2011.

Rue (Ruda)

Ruta chalepensis
Abortifacient, swollen glands, menstrual problems


Is recommended with caution, is a plant with high toxicity and is highly abortion. Seeking professional help for the consumption of this plant. Is a bitter plant

Contraindications for Bitters plant: Pregnanacy, Kidney stones, gallbladder disease, dysmenorrhea, gastroesophageal reflux disease, hiatus hernia, gastritis, ulcer pectic. (Hoffman, 2003)

Hoffaman, D. 2003. Medical herbalism. The science and practice of Herbal Medicine.

Cecropia (Guarumo)

Cecropia obtusifolia
Asthma, inflammation of the prostate, diuretic, abortive

Control of diabetes mellitus (Galicia, 2002)
Asthma (Waizel, 2009)

Inflammation of the prostate: Use scientifically proven popular not
Dose: Dried leaves: 20 grams in a pint of water
Fresh herbs: 30 grams in a pint of water
Take about two cups of 250ml.

Very important 
is  not  a plant diuretic  (Karina, 2005)

Galicia, H. 2002. Studies on hypoglycemic Activity of Mexican Medicinal Plants. Retrieved on December 21, 2011.

Waizel, S. 2009. Some plants used in Mexico for the treatment of asthma. An Orl Mex. Retrieved on December 21, 2011.

Karina, J. 2005. Pharmacological validation of the diuretic activity of aqueous infusions of Cecropia obtusifolia, Cecropia peltata, Solanum nigrescens, Zebrian pendula. Popularly used in Guatemala. Retrieved on December 21, 2011.

Aloe (Sabila)

Aloe vera
Burns, ulcers grastricas, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, fungicidal

We will focus on the problems that can generate the Aloe vera in their bad handling.

Do not use on deep burns or wounds. It causes delay in the healing process, wait several days before applying (Rodriguez, 2006)

May cause skin irritation and can be a drastic purgative for Aloina (Patrisia, sf)

Aloe is a natural laxative herbs considered by the presence of anthraquinone.
Aloe  demostrate antileukemica Activities. (Hoffman, 2003)

Recipe for the use of aloe

Honey 300ml
400 g of Aloe
5 tablespoons of brandy, whiskey, vodka

Everything is put in the blender until it was homogeneous

Dosage: One tablespoon before each meal.

Rodriguez, I. 2006. Benefits of Aloe vera in skin conditions. Retrieved on December 21, 2011.

Patricia, C. Homemade toxic plants in the city of Manizales. Retrieved on December 21, 2011. 202_3.pdf
Hoffaman, D. 2003. Medical herbalism. The science and practice of Herbal Medicine.