Curcuma domestica
Detoxifier, antioxidant, anti-inflammatories, hepatitis, digestive problems
Effects Antihypoglecimiantes demonstrated .(Luis, 2009)
antimicrobial effect. (Silvia,2011)
Anti-inflammatory effect (Oliviera,2004)
antifungal, antitumor, anticoagulant activity, cardiovascular
system (Oliviera,2004)
Do not drink when you have blocked bile duct, kidney stones, before a surgical operation to stop taking.
Do not drink when you have blocked bile duct, kidney stones, before a surgical operation to stop taking.
Luis, J, 2009. Reflexiones respecto a plantas medicinales y su enseƱanza en medicina. Consultado el 28 enero, 2012.
Silvia, A, 2011. Actividad antimicrobiana de extractos hidroetanolicos de limoncillo (Cymbopogon citratus) y Yuquilla (Curcuma longa). Consulta el 28 de enero, 2012.
Oliviera, T, 2004. Biological properties of natural dyes. Consultado el 28 de enero, 2012.
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