Thursday, December 8, 2011

Aloe (Sabila)

Aloe vera
Burns, ulcers grastricas, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, fungicidal

We will focus on the problems that can generate the Aloe vera in their bad handling.

Do not use on deep burns or wounds. It causes delay in the healing process, wait several days before applying (Rodriguez, 2006)

May cause skin irritation and can be a drastic purgative for Aloina (Patrisia, sf)

Aloe is a natural laxative herbs considered by the presence of anthraquinone.
Aloe  demostrate antileukemica Activities. (Hoffman, 2003)

Recipe for the use of aloe

Honey 300ml
400 g of Aloe
5 tablespoons of brandy, whiskey, vodka

Everything is put in the blender until it was homogeneous

Dosage: One tablespoon before each meal.

Rodriguez, I. 2006. Benefits of Aloe vera in skin conditions. Retrieved on December 21, 2011.

Patricia, C. Homemade toxic plants in the city of Manizales. Retrieved on December 21, 2011. 202_3.pdf
Hoffaman, D. 2003. Medical herbalism. The science and practice of Herbal Medicine.

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